The Steam Console Client or SteamCMD is a command-line version of the Steam client. libvorbisfile3 is required by the Starbound server. lib32gcc1 is a 32-bit library required by SteamCMD. Software-properties-common is a library required by SteamCMD. $ sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get install software-properties-common lib32gcc1 libvorbisfile3 Install all the dependencies using the following command. The default Ubuntu and Debian installations do not provide all the necessary packages to run the game and SteamCMD.
This section will help you install the necessary dependencies before the server can run. Starbound uses port 21025 over TCP and UDP by default and requires a 64-bit operating system to run. It is also assumed you have forwarded the appropriate ports to allow incoming outside connections if you are behind a NAT. If this is your first linux experience, click here to access a guide from canonical to help you install the server distribution. It is assumed Ubuntu Server/Debian is already installed and updated. This guide focuses on using Ubuntu Server 16.04 and Debian 9. This guide will help new server owners setup a Starbound server on a Linux server.